

Welcome to the ProxyPay API! This API allows developers to easily integrate with Multicaixa to accept payments. You have endpoints to generate numeric references for payments and to receive notification of payments when they occur.

The ProxyPay API is organized around REST. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors.


You authenticate to the ProxyPay API by providing your API key in the request. Be sure to keep it a secret!

Authentication to the API occurs via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide api as the basic auth username and your API key as the password.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. You must authenticate for all requests.

To authorize, use this code:

curl "" \
  -u "api:reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2"

Make sure to replace reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2 with your own API key.


By default, all requests receive the latest version of the API, which is currently v2. We encourage you to explicitly request this version via the Accept header.

curl "" \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v1+json'


A reference must be created whenever you want to receive a payment of a given amount.

To create one you must specify at least an amount and an expiry date. Additionaly you can specify any number of custom_fields.

A reference will have the following attributes (all attributes, except custom_fields, have JSON strings as values):

Attribute Description
id A unique identifier assigned by the server.
entity_id A numeric string of length 5, that identifies your company in the Multicaixa system.
number A numeric string of length 9, assigned by the server that identifies the reference in the Multicaixa system.
expiry_date A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) and WAT timezone. The reference will be considered valid for payment until the end of the specified day.
amount The amount to be paid, specified with units and exactly two decimal places, with a . as separator. The amount can be a number up to 99999999.99. All amounts are in AOA (Angolan Kwanza).
status This is a read-only attribute and will be set to active, paid, expired or deleted.
custom_fields This is a map with an arbitrary number of keys. All values must be strings. This can hold any information useful to reconcile the payment notification, because the payment event will inherit all the custom_field values. Examples include the invoice number, PO number, customer ID, etc..

Get All References

curl "" \
  -u "api:reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "references": [
      "status": "active",
      "number": "664654696",
      "id": "8uW7O0N4LvOuQsYAFc",
      "expiry_date": "2015-11-05",
      "custom_fields": {
        "invoice": "2015/0121"
      "amount": "5000.00"
      "status": "deleted",
      "number": "234123215",
      "id": "8uVlQn87qCPnF9U3Um",
      "expiry_date": "2015-02-15",
      "custom_fields": {
        "invoice": "2015/0145"
      "amount": "12222.00"
      "status": "paid",
      "number": "283749832",
      "id": "8uVigNJ7Jj4hvVMdhQ",
      "expiry_date": "2015-02-28",
      "custom_fields": {
        "invoice": "2015/0118"
      "amount": "5000.00"
      "status": "expired",
      "number": "293840932",
      "id": "8uUIvA8jlPKnSwwKPI",
      "expiry_date": "2014-12-12",
      "custom_fields": {
        "invoice": "2014/0097"
      "amount": "11123.23"
  "meta": {
    "total_count": 4,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 20

This endpoint retrieves all references in the system, sorted by descending order of creation date.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
limit 20 Max. number of references to return.
offset 0 Skip offset records. Usefull for pagination.
status - Filter parameter. If set to either active, deleted, expired or paid will return only references with that status value.
q - Filter parameter. will return any reference for which the value of the q parameter matches the beginning of the reference number or any of the custom_fields.

Get a Specific Reference

curl "" \
  -u "api:reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "reference": {
    "updated_at": "2015-02-20T17:30:00Z",
    "status": "paid",
    "number": "283749832",
    "id": "8uVigNJ7Jj4hvVMdhQ",
    "expiry_date": "2015-02-28",
    "entity_id": "99999",
    "custom_fields": {
      "invoice": "2014/0097"
    "created_at": "2015-02-01T08:36:37Z",
    "amount": "5000.00"

This endpoint retrieves a specific reference.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the reference to retrieve

Generate a New Reference

curl -XPOST "" \
  -u "api:reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"reference": { "amount": "25000.00", "expiry_date": "2015-05-15", "custom_fields": {"invoice": "2015/0399"}}}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "reference": {
    "updated_at": "2015-05-10T17:43:10Z",
    "status": "active",
    "number": "892374833",
    "id": "8uWqsbFsHNUzS19DY8",
    "expiry_date": "2015-05-15",
    "entity_id": "99999",
    "custom_fields": {
      "invoice": "2015/0399"
    "created_at": "2015-05-10T17:43:10Z",
    "amount": "25000.00"

This endpoint generates a new payment reference for a given amount.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description

Payment Events - Pull API

This endpoint can be used to fetch any new payment events that occured in the system. It works conceptually as a queue, and all payments are returned in the order they ocurred.

You can retrieve up to 100 payments in a single call. Each request will return all unacknowledged payments unless visibility_timeout is specified, in which case all payments returned will be reserved for visibility_timeoutseconds, meaning that they are not returned in a subsequent call to the endpoint. If an acknowledgement indicating that they have been sucessfully processed is not sent within that timeframe, they will become available again.

A Payment event will have the following attributes (all attributes, except custom_fields, have JSON strings as values):

Attribute Description
id A unique identifier of the payment event.
entity_id A numeric string of length 5, that identifies your company in the Multicaixa system.
reference_number A numeric string of length 9, that identifies the reference originating the payment in the Multicaixa system.
reference_id The unique identifier of the reference that originated the payment
datetime Date and time in UTC (ISO 8601) when the payment occurred.
amount The amount to be paid, specified with units and exactly two decimal places, with a . as separator. The amount can be a number up to 99999999.99. All amounts are in AOA (Angolan Kwanza).
terminal_type The type of terminal that accepted the payment. 01 for ATM, 05 or 06 for Internet Banking.
terminal_transaction_id Local identifier of the payment in the terminal. It matches the Transaction ID printed in the ATM receipt.
terminal_location Description of the location where the payment ocurred (valid for payments in ATM's)
custom_fields This is copied from the reference that originated the payment, for reconcilitation purposes.

Fetch New Payments

curl "" \
  -u "api:reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "payments": [
      "terminal_type": "01",
      "terminal_transaction_id": "00123",
      "terminal_location": "Luanda",
      "terminal_id": "00456",
      "reference_number": "283749832",
      "reference_id": "8uVigNJ7Jj4hvVMdhQ",
      "id": "449500352608",
      "entity_id": "99999",
      "datetime": "2015-05-10T17:43:10Z",
      "custom_fields": {
        "invoice": "2014/0097"
      "amount": "5000.00"

This endpoint retrieves all Payment events that have not been acknowledged.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
n 100 Max. number of payment events to return. This must be between 1 and 100
wait 0 Seconds to block and wait in case there are no events to immediately return. Must be between 0 and 30. The server will return on a new payment or when the wait time expires, whichever occurs first.
visibility_timeout 0 Seconds the returned events will remain reserved and hidden from subsequent fetches. This must be between 0 and 3600.

Acknowledge a Payment

curl -XDELETE "" \
  -u "api:reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2"

The above command returns HTTP Status 204 No Content.

This endpoint acknowledges that a specific payment has been processed.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the payment to acknowledge as processed

Note: If your HTTP client doesn't allow sending a request with the HTTP verb DELETE, you can use POST instead and pass the additional URL parameter _method=delete.

Acknowledge Multiple Payments

curl -XDELETE "" \
  -u "api:reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2"
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{"ids": ["449500352608", "449500352609"]}'

The above command returns HTTP Status 204 No Content.

This endpoint acknowledges that multiple payments have been processed.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description

Note: If your HTTP client doesn't allow sending a request with the HTTP verb DELETE, you can use POST instead and pass the additional URL parameter _method=delete.

Payment Events - Push API

As an alternative to the Pull API, ProxyPay can instead push new payment events to a URL provided by you.

You must provide an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint that is publicly accessible over the Internet.


Your callback endpoint will receive the data encoded as JSON.

In some situations, such as a timeout when calling your endpoint, the same payment may be submitted multiple times. You should make sure your logic is idempotent.

To authenticate the request, we include an HMAC-SHA-256 signature in every request. In addition to all the attributes of the payment event, already detailed in the Pull API, we also submit the following extra attributes:

Attribute Description
timestamp A Unix Epoch timestamp generated at the time of the request
signature Signature calculated as HMAC-SHA-256(key, timestamp+checksum_data), where key is your API Key, and represented in hex digits.

Your endpoint will receive a POST request with a JSON structured like this:

  "payment": {
    "terminal_type": "01",
    "terminal_transaction_id": "00123",
    "terminal_location": "Luanda",
    "terminal_id": "00456",
    "reference_number": "283749832",
    "reference_id": "8uVigNJ7Jj4hvVMdhQ",
    "id": "449500352608",
    "entity_id": "99999",
    "datetime": "2015-05-10T17:43:10Z",
    "custom_fields": {
      "invoice": "2014/0097",
      "customer_name": "Acme"
    "amount": "5000.00"
  "meta": {
    "timestamp": "1428262214",
    "signature": "809427D33F649EDB8A7C123D76E5B426C37DFE6B56C9160509CFCAA01C86F844"

Your endpoint must return HTTP Status 200 after successfully processing the event. Any other status code will be considered an error and ProxyPay will retry after 10 minutes.

The checksum_data is calculated by appending the values of all attributes in the following order:

checksum_data = amount + datetime + entity_id + id + reference_id + reference_number + terminal_id + terminal_location + terminal_transaction_id + terminal_type + custom_fields_in_alphabetical_order

In the example, customer_fields_in_alphabetical_order = customer_name + invoice










signature == HMAC-SHA-256(API Key, timestamp+checksum_data)

HTTP Request

POST http(s)://<your callback url>

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description

Validating the Signature

To validate the signature, simply calculate the expected signature using HMAC-SHA-256, compare it to the signature in the request and reject the data if they are different.


The ProxyPay API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is malformed
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden -- You are not authorized to access this resource
404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a resource with an invalid HTTP method
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json
422 Unprocessable Entity -- Your request includes invalid fields. Check the response body for details.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're exceding the API rate limit! Reduce the number of requests / minute.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.