Welcome to the ProxyPay API V2!
This API allows developers to easily integrate with Multicaixa to accept payments. You have endpoints to generate numeric references for payments and to receive notification of payments when they occur.
The ProxyPay API is organized around REST. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors.
The current ProxyPay REST API integration version is v2
The following table shows API versions currently supported:
API Version | Documentation |
v2 | Current document |
v1 | v1 docs |
API Format
curl "" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
PUT / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
All request bodies should have content type application/json
and be valid JSON. The Content-Type header must be set in all requests that include a JSON body:
Content-Type: application/json
Environment | Base URL |
Production | |
Sandbox | |
curl "" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
PUT / HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
Content-Type: application/json
By default, all requests receive the latest version of the API. We encourage you to explicitly lock the client application to a version by including the Accept header in all requests:
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
To authenticate, provide the API Key in the request header:
curl "" \
-H 'Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
PUT / HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
Content-Type: application/json
Make sure to replace
in the example with your own API Key.
You authenticate to the ProxyPay API by providing your API Key in the Authorization
header of every request:
Authorization: Token [YOUR_API_KEY]
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail.
Status Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request – Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong. |
404 | Not Found – The specified resource could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a resource with an invalid method. |
406 | Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn't supported. |
429 | Too Many Requests – You've making too many requests to the API. Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable – We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |
Validation Errors
Any invalid input parameter will cause a 400 - Bad Request
response. The JSON Response includes a list of human readable descriptions of the errors with the following structure:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
param | string | true | Invalid Parameter |
message | string | true | Human readable error message |
ProxyPay can also POST data to your application when Payment events occur. You can read more about the Payment Webhook below.
The resources are Collections or Elements. A collection represents the set of all resources of a particular type (such as "references" or "payments"). An element resource represents an individual member of a collection. Each element consists of a set of name/value pairs.
Create or Update Reference
Creating/Updating a reference with Id 904800000 and setting the amount, date limit and custom_fields.
curl -XPUT "" \
-H "Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"amount": "9701.84",
"end_datetime": "2018-12-31",
"custom_fields": {
"invoice": "2018/0333"
PUT /references/904800000 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
Content-Type: application/json
"amount": "9701.84",
"end_datetime": "2018-12-31",
"custom_fields": {
"invoice": "2018/0333"
$reference = [
"amount" => "9701.84",
"end_datetime" => "2018-12-31",
"custom_fields" => [
"invoice" => "2018/0333"
$data = json_encode($reference);
$curl = curl_init();
$httpHeader = [
"Authorization: " . "Token " . "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2",
"Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json",
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Content-Length: " . strlen($data)
$opts = [
curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
JSONObject custom_fields = new JSONObject();
custom_fields.put("invoice", "2018/0333");
JSONObject reference = new JSONObject();
reference.put("amount", "9701.84")
.put("end_datetime", "2018-12-31")
.put("custom_fields", custom_fields);
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, reference.toString());
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2")
.addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json")
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.PUT);
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2");
request.AddBody(new {
amount = "9701.84",
end_datetime = "2018-12-31",
custom_fields = new {
invoice = "2018/0333"
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
The call above returns HTTP Status Code 204 if the Reference was successfully created/updated
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
This endpoint creates or updates a payment reference with given Id.
HTTP Request
PUT /references/{id}
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | integer | true | Reference Id (1) |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
amount | string | false | The amount to be paid (must be between 0.01 and 99999999.99) |
end_datetime | string | false | Expiration Date or Datetime formatted as ISO8601; if Date notation is used the reference will be valid until 23:59:59, assuming GMT+1 timezone |
custom_fields | map | false | A key-value structure with up to 10 custom fields; Key and Value must be strings; this map is copied over to the Payment |
Status | Meaning | Description |
204 | No Content | Reference was created or updated successfully |
4xx or 5xx | Error | Please check errors list here |
Delete Reference
Deleting a reference with Id 904800000:
curl -X DELETE "" \
-H "Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json'
DELETE /references/904800000 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
$curl = curl_init();
$httpHeader = [
"Authorization: " . "Token " . "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2",
"Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json",
$opts = [
curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2")
.addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.DELETE);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2");
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
The call above returns HTTP Status Code 204
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
This endpoint deletes a reference with given Id.
HTTP Request
DELETE /references/{id}
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | int | true | Reference Id |
Status | Meaning | Description |
204 | No Content | Reference was deleted |
4xx or 5xx | Error | Please check errors list here |
Reference Ids
Generate Reference Id
The following call returns a unique reference Id
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json'
POST /reference_ids HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
$curl = curl_init();
$httpHeader = [
"Authorization: " . "Token " . "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2",
"Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json",
$opts = [
curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.post(RequestBody.create(null, new byte[0]))
.addHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2")
.addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json")
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2");
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
The call above returns HTTP Status Code 200 and a JSON formatted list
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
This endpoint is provided for convenience and allows the generation of a Reference Id. The generator implements an LFSR and produces an out of order sequence of maximum length (the sequence repeats only once all possible Ids have been produced).
You may use it if you don't want to implement logic to generate unique Ids on the client-side.
HTTP Request
POST /reference_ids
Status | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | Returns a unique Reference Id |
4xx or 5xx | Error | Please check errors list here |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | integer | true | Reference Id |
This endpoint allows fetching any Payment events stored on the server. It exposes a persistent queue, allowing the client application to fetch up to 100 events.
After successfully processing a Payment event, the client application must Acknowledge it and discard it from the queue.
Get Payments
The following call returns any queued payments as a list
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json'
GET /payments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
$curl = curl_init();
$httpHeader = [
"Authorization: " . "Token " . "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2",
"Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json",
$opts = [
curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2")
.addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2");
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
The call above returns HTTP Status 200 and JSON formatted list of Payments
"transaction_id": 26356,
"terminal_type": "IB",
"terminal_transaction_id": 0,
"terminal_location": null,
"terminal_id": 4644327306,
"reference_id": 111111139,
"product_id": null,
"period_start_datetime": "2007-03-13T19:00:00Z",
"period_id": 1562,
"period_end_datetime": "2007-03-14T19:00:00Z",
"parameter_id": null,
"id": 156200026356,
"fee": "50.00",
"entity_id": 411,
"datetime": "2017-01-17T09:08:00Z",
"custom_fields": {},
"amount": "1000.01"
"transaction_id": 11938,
"terminal_type": "ATM",
"terminal_transaction_id": 1631,
"terminal_location": "EMIS",
"terminal_id": 550101,
"reference_id": 501738711,
"product_id": 1,
"period_start_datetime": "2007-04-21T19:00:00Z",
"period_id": 1601,
"period_end_datetime": "2007-04-22T19:00:00Z",
"parameter_id": 0,
"id": 160100011938,
"fee": "62.50",
"entity_id": 411,
"datetime": "2017-05-08T08:38:41Z",
"custom_fields": {
"name": "João Silva",
"invoice": "2017/TBOX/001"
"amount": "25000.67"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"transaction_id": 26356,
"terminal_type": "IB",
"terminal_transaction_id": 0,
"terminal_location": null,
"terminal_id": 4644327306,
"reference_id": 111111139,
"product_id": null,
"period_start_datetime": "2007-03-13T19:00:00Z",
"period_id": 1562,
"period_end_datetime": "2007-03-14T19:00:00Z",
"parameter_id": null,
"id": 156200026356,
"fee": "50.00",
"entity_id": 411,
"datetime": "2017-01-17T09:08:00Z",
"custom_fields": {},
"amount": "1000.01"
"transaction_id": 11938,
"terminal_type": "ATM",
"terminal_transaction_id": 1631,
"terminal_location": "EMIS",
"terminal_id": 550101,
"reference_id": 501738711,
"product_id": 1,
"period_start_datetime": "2007-04-21T19:00:00Z",
"parameter_id": 0,
"period_id": 1601,
"period_end_datetime": "2007-04-22T19:00:00Z",
"parameter_id": 0,
"id": 160100011938,
"fee": "62.50",
"entity_id": 411,
"datetime": "2017-05-08T08:38:41Z",
"custom_fields": {
"name": "João Silva",
"invoice": "2017/TBOX/001"
"amount": "25000.67"
This endpoint returns any Payment events stored on the server that were not yet Acknowledged by the client application.
HTTP Request
GET /payments[?n=100]
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
n | integer | false | Specifies the number of Payments to return (defaults to 100 ; accepts any integer between 1 and 100 ) |
Status | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | |
4xx or 5xx | Error | Please check errors list here |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Returns a list of elements with the following structure:
Name | Type | Nullable | Max. Length | Description |
id | integer | no | 12 | Payment Id |
amount | string | no | – | Payment amount |
custom_fields | map | no | – | Key-value structure copied from the Reference |
datetime | string | no | – | Payment datetime formatted as ISO8601 |
entity_id | integer | no | 5 | Entity Id |
fee | string | yes | – | Bank fee |
period_id | integer | no | 4 | Period Id |
period_start_datetime | string | no | – | Start datetime of the Period |
period_end_datetime | string | no | – | End datetime of the Period |
period_id | integer | no | 4 | Period Id |
product_id | integer | yes | 2 | Id of selected product (applicable if entity has multiple products) |
parameter_id | integer | yes | 2 | Id of selected predefined amount (applicable if entity is configured to use predefined amounts) |
reference_id | integer | no | – | Reference Id that originated the Payment |
transaction_id | integer | no | 8 | Unique transaction Id within the Period |
terminal_type | string | no | – | Type of terminal used for the payment (one of: ATM , POS , IB , MB ) |
terminal_period_id | integer | yes | 3 | Terminal period (only applicable when terminal_type is ATM or POS ) |
terminal_transaction_id | integer | yes | 5 | Terminal transaction (only applicable when terminal_type is ATM or POS ) |
terminal_location | string | yes | 15 | Location as informed by the payment processor (only applicable when terminal_type is ATM or POS ) |
terminal_id | string | yes | 10 | Id of the payment terminal (only applicable when terminal_type is ATM or POS ) |
Acknowledge Payment
The following call acknowledges that the payment with Id 160100011938 was processed on the client-side, effectivelly discarding it from the queue on the server
curl -X DELETE "" \
-H "Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json'
DELETE /payments/160100011938 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
$curl = curl_init();
$httpHeader = [
"Authorization: " . "Token " . "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2",
"Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json",
$opts = [
curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2")
.addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.DELETE);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2");
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
The call above returns HTTP Status Code 204
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
This endpoint is used to acknowledge that a payment was processed, after being retrieved using Get Payments, and discards it from the server.
HTTP Request
DELETE /payments/{id}
URL parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | integer | true | Payment Id to acknowledge as processed |
Status | Meaning | Description |
204 | No content | Success |
4xx or 5xx | Error | Please check errors list here |
As an alternative to periodically fetching Payment events, ProxyPay can instead be configured to send new Payment events via HTTP(S) POST directly to your application.
X-Signature: b2faea0b081025ab55881e7684615c3920d2c67b4694c6ff770b5225c9fd464c
Content-Type: application/json
"transaction_id": 26356,
"terminal_type": "IB",
"terminal_transaction_id": 0,
"terminal_location": null,
"terminal_id": "4644327306",
"reference_id": 111111139,
"product_id": null,
"period_start_datetime": "2007-03-13T19:00:00Z",
"period_id": 1562,
"period_end_datetime": "2007-03-14T19:00:00Z",
"parameter_id": 0,
"id": 156200026356,
"fee": "50.00",
"entity_id": 411,
"datetime": "2017-01-17T09:08:00Z",
"custom_fields": {},
"amount": "1000.01"
$api_key = "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2";
$input = @file_get_contents("php://input");
$header_signature = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SIGNATURE'];
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $input, $api_key);
if ( $signature == $header_signature )
$payment = json_decode($input);
// handle payment event
} else {
package net.morgz;
import static spark.Spark.get;
import spark.Request;
import spark.Response;
import spark.Route;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
POST(new Route("/payment_notification") {
public Object handle(Request request, Response response) {
String api_key = "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2";
String header_signature = request.headers("X-Signature");
String body = request.body()
Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(api_key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256");
String signature = Hex.encodeHexString(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(body.getBytes("UTF-8")));
if ( header_signature.equals(signature) )
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(body)
// handle payment event
} else {
You must provide an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint that is publicly accessible over the Internet.
Your endpoint will receive the Payment data encoded as JSON.
To acknowledge receipt, your endpoint should return a 2xx HTTP status code. All response codes outside this range, including 3xx codes, will indicate to ProxyPay that you did not receive the Payment. This does mean that a URL redirection or a "Not Modified" response will be treated as a failure.
On failure, ProxyPay will continue to retry at increasing intervals. ProxyPay will ignore any other information returned in the response headers or response body.
In some situations, such as a timeout when calling your endpoint, the same Payment may be sent multiple times. You should make sure your logic is able to detect and ignore duplicates, by simply acknowledging without processing it again.
To authenticate the request, we include an HMAC-SHA-256 signature, encoded as lowercase hexadecimal string, in the X-Signature
header of every request.
Alternative way for defining webhook
We provide an alternative way to set the desired webhook without having to configure one statically on ProxyPay. When creating/updating a reference, a custom field can be used to define the callback url desired to be notified if and when said reference is paid. By default the custom_field is called callback_url
Validating the Signature
To validate the signature, simply calculate the expected signature using the function below, compare it to the X-Signature
header and reject the data if they are different.
== HexEncode
(your API Key
, raw HTTP body
Create a Mock Payment
Creating a mock payment for Reference Id 904800000:
curl -XPOST "" \
-H "Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2" \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"reference_id": 904800000,
"amount": "9701.84"
POST /payments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2
Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json
Content-Type: application/json
"reference_id": 904800000,
"amount": "9701.84"
$payment = [
"reference_id" => 904800000,
"amount" => "9701.84"
$data = json_encode($payment);
$curl = curl_init();
$httpHeader = [
"Authorization: " . "Token " . "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2",
"Accept: application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json",
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Content-Length: " . strlen($data)
$opts = [
curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
JSONObject payment = new JSONObject();
payment.put("reference_id", 904800000)
.put("amount", "9701.84")
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, payment.toString());
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2")
.addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json")
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.proxypay.v2+json");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Token " + "reh8inj33o3algd2tpi6tkcnrqf8rjj2");
request.AddBody(new {
reference_id = 904800000,
amount = "9701.84"
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
The call above returns HTTP Status Code 200 if the Mock Payment was successfully created.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
This is only available on the Sandbox environment and produces a simulated Payment event, as if originated directly from Multicaixa.
This will trigger a call to the Webhook, if configured. Otherwise the Payment will be available through a call to Get Payments.
HTTP Request
POST /payments
Name | Type | Required | Description |
reference_id | integer | true | Reference Id |
amount | string | true | The payment amount |
Status | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | Payment created |
4xx or 5xx | Error | Please check errors list here |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
The response structure is described here.
Use this section to search for regular questions regarding the usage of this API.
Why is JSON invalid if an integer begins with 0?
As per RFC4627, section 2.4, numbers with leading zeros are not allowed.